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The news for Wednesday 12 March 2025

GALLERY: LIVE: Touché Amoré @ Electric Ballroom, London

We might call Touché Amoré ‘hardcore’, but that’s only because a better word for their sound hasn’t been coined yet. They’ve only been in the UK for a week as part of one of their brief and sporadic appearances outside the US, and while seeing them headline is enough →

GALLERY: Touché Amoré, Trauma Ray, Chalk Hands @ Electric Ballroom

Tuesday 11 March 2025

GALLERY: Michael Cera Palin – ‘We Could Be Brave’

With the release of their debut album, ‘We Could Be Brave’, the key word that personifies Michael Cera Palin is that last one. Having formed over a decade ago, taking a hiatus and reforming early 2020 (uh oh) and subsequently reemerging in 2022, “brave” really does sum them up. →

Friday 07 March 2025

GALLERY: HotWax – Hot Shock

HotWax have been bubbling up under the radar since the release of their 2023 debut EP, ‘A Thousand Times’ and its follow-up, ‘Invite Me, Kindly’ later the same year. 2025 sees the release of their first LP, ‘Hot Shock’, through Marathon Artists. The tone of ‘Hot Shock’ is alternately →

GALLERY: Spiritbox – ‘Tsunami Sea’

When Spiritbox announced ‘Tsunami Sea’, there was an anticipated hush across the music industry. Their debut ‘Eternal Blue’ was received to cries of adoration from fans and critics alike, with claims that the band was one to watch out for. It can be hard to live up to such →

GALLERY: Grady Allen: “From each chord to like symbol hit, the entire record was mapped out.”

Wednesday 05 March 2025

GALLERY: Architects – ‘The Sky, The Earth & All Between’

It’s been a good couple of years since the release of Architects’ last offering, ‘the classic symptoms of a broken spirit’. Therefore, it’s no wonder that fans have been eagerly waiting to see (and hear) what has been conjured up this time, in the form of ‘The Sky, The →

Tuesday 04 March 2025


‘You remind me of my ex’ – are there any more hurtful words? The reference to you in relation to something else, something that came before, something, maybe, that you might not be. Was that initial interest driven by familiarity to something else? Something, better? Listening →

Thursday 27 February 2025

GALLERY: LIVE: Green Lung / Unto Others @ O2 Forum Kentish Town

Nearly eight years on from their first ever gig at The Black Heart, London cult heroes Green Lung have turned the beloved Camden institution into a shrine for all things occult ahead of their biggest hometown show to date. From the “Goaty Boutique” pop-up shop with a queue stretching →

GALLERY: LIVE: Spiritbox / Periphery / Stray From The Path @ Alexandra Palace, London

For one night only, Spiritbox are gracing the UK with their presence. We all knew they’d be back after their slot supporting Korn last year, but selling out the ten thousand strong Alexandra Palace is a whole different ball game for the Canadians. It’s all part of their quiet →

Tuesday 18 February 2025

GALLERY: Anxious – ‘Bambi’

A sophomore album can be a tricky one for the artist, but for the listener? It holds the promise of vindication in your faith in a band. When Connecticut’s own Anxious dropped their debut back in 2022, we knew they were on to something special with their bubblegum-emo-with-hardcore-roots sound. →

GALLERY: Church Tongue – ‘You’ll Know It Was Me’ EP

Metalcore is an incredibly exciting genre to be a fan of, especially in recent years. Bands like Chamber, Boundaries and God Complex are just some of the names that come to mind, all lending a hand to reignite the fire the genre had in its golden years and carving →

Monday 17 February 2025


Australia’s Hands Like Houses are back, ready to blaze into their new era with their latest offering ‘A T M O S P H E R I C S’. A sixteen track double album, the group have split this into four volumes – Tropo, Strato, Meso, and Thermo. Each →

Wednesday 12 February 2025


Late one night, you can’t sleep, you’re flicking through the channels and you see a nature documentary. It triggers something; thinking about time. Thinking about life cycles. Mayflies famously live for less than 12 hours. Some cicadas appear every 17 years. Both types of creatures start out →

Tuesday 11 February 2025

GALLERY: Dream Theater – ‘Parasomnia’

A lot can happen in fifteen years for the average person, but for Dream Theater, who float in their own dimensional bubble distant to the rest of us, the time can pass in the blink of an eye. Drummer Mike Portnoy is back after a three album absence for →

Thursday 06 February 2025

GALLERY: Jinjer – ‘Duél’

If every time someone said a band tore up the rule book, we’d probably be facing a global shortage of reference guides to metal. But how often do we see a band writing their own story in the world of heavy music, with each song a narrative wrought in →

Wednesday 05 February 2025

GALLERY: Bullet For My Valentine, Trivium, Orbit Culture @ Utilita Arena, Birmingham

Tuesday 04 February 2025


Time moves on. Bands form and fold. Songs that once meant something fade into the past. As you grow older and tastes change, sounds go in and out of style but there’s a time that’s your era. A time where everything is new and exciting, that defines →

Wednesday 29 January 2025

GALLERY: LIVE: Better Lovers / Frontierer / Greyhaven @ Electric Brixton, London

It’s Saturday night in Brixton and it’s as cold as the Arctic in the streets, but if you’re one of the lucky folks with a ticket to tonight’s shenanigans at Electric Brixton then you’ll find warmth and a whole lot more waiting for you inside. Fans pile into the →

Tuesday 28 January 2025

GALLERY: RØRY – ‘Restoration’

Success has been a long time coming for RØRY, but who else can channel four decades of hardship into a debut released at an age when many rockers are considering slowing down? The songwriter, social media activist, author and split-hair-aficionado channels a bared soul and unflinching honesty on ‘Restoration’ →

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